Nice to see you here!

Hi, I’m Varun - currently a
Lead Product Designer @ Centigrade

I am a multi-disciplinary designer with over 13 years of hands-on industry experience. Inspired by minimalism, my goal is to create user-centered product experiences that are defined by simplicity, functionality, and user intuitiveness.

Like what you see, or have a cool idea? Lets connect!


Selected work

A developer tool to help Data Science teams build an AI powered ecosystem of solutions to transform data intelligence into insights for business.

TOTVS RH: Clock in

Patented AI and computer vision app to replace the manual punch in / out method that is still used by thousands of businesses.

Clarivate Design system

Unifying the user experience in the world of Scientific & Academic research at Clarivate Analytics.


Journal Citation Reports

Helping scholars and scientists measure the impact of their research publications.